Guten tag, Prefects!!! It's that time of year again... T-shirt designs!!! Yes, the prefects' t-shirt. A symbol of pride and joy for every prefect to walk the grounds SMK Subang Utama. A fashionable addition to our school's wide range of school t-shirts and only we get to wear it!!! Here are this year's selected designs. The name of the designer will not be displayed.
Design #1
Design #2
The colour is supposed to be bright red and the caption is "I fit in 'prefectly'!"
School badge on whichever sleeve.
Design #3
The colour is supposed to be bright yellow like the jigsaw puzzle piece and
one prefect's name is on one jigsaw puzzle piece.
The caption is "I fit in 'prefectly'!" School badge on whichever sleeve.
Design #4
School badge on the right sleeve.
Design #5
School badge on the left sleeve.
Design #6
Design #7
The caption is "BETTER THAN THE REST". School badge on the left sleeve.
So people, you've got until the 2nd of March to vote. For voting details, please ask any of the Board of Directors. We are so pleased that there were so many entries this year. We would like to thank all of you who put in so much effort to design our t-shirt this year. For those designs which got selected, CONGRATULATIONS!!! For those which didn't, well, better luck next time... You've got this week prefects so, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!